demo OGCAPI server - Collection Items: Active


Number of matching items: 12
Number of returned items: 2
Page: of

ID AdminDivision AdminDivisionArea AdminDivisionSubcounty AdminDivisionUpper Altitude Category Code Color Contained Discovery IGNORE_ACTIVE IGNORE_CLOSED IGNORE_CONTAINED IGNORE_CONTROLLED IGNORE_CONTROLLED_OLDER_THAN_DAYS IGNORE_OTHER IGNORE_OUT IGNORE_REPORTED IS_STATUS_ACTIVE IS_STATUS_CLOSED IS_STATUS_CONTAINED IS_STATUS_CONTROLLED IS_STATUS_OUT IS_STATUS_REPORTED Icon Id IsObscured Kind Name Number Radius Resources Size Status StatusUpdatedTimestamp Updated adivision adivision3type adivision4type adivisionAreaName adivisionSubCountyName adivisiontype adivisionupper adivisionuppertype containmentunit differenceOfDays id_incident_category_kind_type inside protectingunit publicvisibility reporteddate sizeunit statusid statustimestamp x y
902d73be-28d1-4b58-8ddc-0b2e71fef8fd Sumter Region 3 30 Withlacoochee 20.8541 Wildfire 2025-FLFLS-251100019 #93735D 100 2025-01-07T19:24:00 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 O 902d73be-28d1-4b58-8ddc-0b2e71fef8fd 0 Fire GATOR (60) 251100019 0 0.18 Contained 2025-01-07T21:58:04 1736287089801 Sumter REGION PLSS Region 3 30 COUNTY Withlacoochee FIELD UNIT Percent 16 99f6c652-6927-4e5b-b9b4-76866b5e1087 0 FLFLS - Florida Forest Service Visible 2025-01-07T19:24:00 Acres 408e3a31-82b6-4c0d-9697-64f86b525a8f 2025-01-07T21:58:04 -9133578.68710344 3351873.64478129
6e28ddce-a045-4826-ad94-8a97c5d10c03 Columbia Region 2 33 Suwannee 54.7201 Wildfire 2025-FLFLS-250600024 #93735D 100 2025-01-03T18:42:00 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 O 6e28ddce-a045-4826-ad94-8a97c5d10c03 0 Fire ALLISON COURT (12) 250600024 0 0.1 Contained 2025-01-03T19:18:20 1735940787850 Columbia REGION PLSS Region 2 33 COUNTY Suwannee FIELD UNIT Percent 20 99f6c652-6927-4e5b-b9b4-76866b5e1087 0 FLFLS - Florida Forest Service Visible 2025-01-03T18:42:00 Acres 408e3a31-82b6-4c0d-9697-64f86b525a8f 2025-01-03T19:18:20 -9197702.45859873 3526938.24506067